If you get hurt at work, you typically have 45 days to report the incident, but you should do so as soon as you can. Once your employer has been notified, you should consider finding legal help so that you can fight for proper compensation. Work with a workers’ compensation lawyer who understands what needs to be done to build the best case. Don’t take any chances—contact a Skokie worker’s compensation lawyer to get started on your claims process started.
Types of Common Workplace Injuries
When you get hurt at work, it’s important to work quickly to deal with the damage. If you’re unsure if your injury will qualify for compensation, a good way to start to determine that is by comparing your situation to some of the most commonly occurring workplace injuries. This way, you can see if yours is similar to other injuries that are eligible.
Some of the most commonly occurring workplace injuries include:
- Struck against an object: injuries that involve objects like doors, windows, or walls.
- Workplace assaults: When one or more employees is hurt/assaulted on the job.
- Fall to a lower level: Falling off a ladder or roof, or down stairs.
- Overexertion: Perhaps the most common injury in the workplace, these involve pushing, pulling, holding, throwing, lifting, and carrying.
- Traffic incidents: Injuries occurring while using company vehicles.
- Slips and falls: Injuries from slipping and falling on floors that are wet, slippery, or uneven.
- Struck by an object: Injuries from dropped or falling objects.
- Caught in/compressed by: These injuries are typically ones that involve heavy machinery. They are common to factory-type work.
What to Know About Worker’s Compensation Cases
A worker’s compensation attorney in Mt. Prospect will be able to help you navigate the entire process of filing a claim, but for your own sake, you should also learn about some of the parts of the process. For instance, knowing about statutes of limitation and what paperwork you need will be helpful, as will knowing what type of compensation you need to fight for. Different types of compensation to fight for can include medical bill reimbursement, permanent injury, lost wages, and more. If you’re not sure about what any of these things are, a work injury attorney will be of great assistance.
The Claims Filing Process
Filing a claim for a work injury can be complicated. However, working with a workers’ compensation attorney can make the process much simpler.
First, notify your employer of the incident. You should do this within seven days of the injury’s occurrence if you can, though you may have more time. When you get medical care (if you do), be sure to tell the staff there that your injury is work related, as some companies require their workers to visit certain facilities or doctors.
Next, your employer or the doctors will submit information to the insurance carrier, who then opens a claim. The benefits claim will be reviewed and either found compensable or rejected. If the claim is found compensable, the insurance carrier will contact the injured person and the employer to determine the rate of benefits or pay to be paid out while the injured person recovers. If the claim is denied, however, the injured person can choose to appeal the decision.