Types of Common Workers’ Compensation Injuries
A good starting point when dealing with a work injury is to learn about the most common workplace injuries. They happen all the time, and many times, injured people think that their incident won’t qualify for benefits, when in reality, it does qualify for workers compensation in Midlothian.
The easiest way to learn if your injury qualifies is by comparing what happened to you to some of the most common injuries—then, you’ll have a better idea of how to move forward with your case. These are some of the most common injuries that happen in the workplace:
- Caught in/compressed by: Typically occurring in industrial settings, these injuries usually involved heavy machinery.
- Workplace assault: When one or more workers is assaulted on the job.
- Struck by object: When a workplace object, such as a door, window, wall or other object injures a worker.
- Traffic accidents: Injuries sustained while in a company vehicle or travelling for work.
- Overexertion: Injuries caused by pushing, pulling, carrying, holding, lifting, or throwing. These are often considered the most common workplace injuries.
- Slip and fall: Falling on a slippery floor, an uneven floor, or uncleared pathways (such as on ice or snow during the winter).
- Fall to a lower level: Injuries sustained by falling off a ladder or roof or down stairs.
- Repetitive motion: Stress injuries, sustained by repetitive work. Injuries such as carpal tunnel or muscle strain are repetitive motion injuries.
What You Need to Know About Workers Compensation in Midlothian
Once you’re ready to file a claim, you should seek help from a workers’ compensation lawyer. They can be very helpful, however there are still some things you will need to know, such as the statute of limitations for your injury claim, what paperwork you will need to retain (medical records, incident reports, etc.), and what type of benefits you are attempting to receive (permanent injury, lost wages, medical reimbursement, etc.).
A work injury lawyer will be able to help you throughout this step and answer any questions or concerns you may have.
The Process of Filing Your Claim with Workers Compensation Lawyers in Midlothian
Filing a workers’ compensation case can be a complicated process, which is why it’s essential to have a work injury lawyer on your side.
The first step will be notifying your employer. This should be done as soon as possible—ideally immediately after the incident occurs. You generally have seven days to report it, though. If you seek medical care, be sure to notify any medical professionals that your injury is work related, as you may be required to seek treatment from certain doctors or facilities.
Next, the insurance carrier will open a claim based on the report from the doctor and employer.
They will determine whether the case is eligible for compensation, and if it is, they will work with the injured party and the employer to determine the rate of pay that the injured worker will receive while out of work. If the claim is denied, however, the injured person will have the opportunity to dispute that.
About Vasilatos Injury Law
At Vasilatos Injury Law, we are committed to providing Midlothian clients with the quality legal representation they need, and we also help residents across the Chicago Metropolitan area and all over Illinois. We are dedicated to working hard to help you receive the compensation you deserve.
Our concentration areas are workers’ compensation, personal injury, and Social Security disability, and we’re proud to provide home, phone, and hospital consultations to accommodate all potential clients.
We are happy to offer flexible scheduling, and we’re conveniently accessible by public transportation. If you can’t come to us, though, we’ll come to you.
When you need trustworthy workers’ compensation help in the 60445 area, you can rely on the professional work injury attorneys at Vasilatos Injury Law. We will provide you with the guidance and assistance you need to help get your life back to normal as soon as possible.