The Most Common Workplace Injuries
When you get hurt at work, it can be frustrating trying to figure out if your injuries will qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. One way to determine whether they will be eligible is to learn about some of the more common workplace injuries and comparing them to your situation.
Some of the most frequently occurring workplace injuries are:
- Slips and falls: Slipping and falling on wet, slippery, or uneven grounds.
- Struck by an object: Injuries from dropped or falling objects.
- Fall to a lower level: Falling off a ladder, off a roof, or down stairs.
- Struck against an object: Injuries involving windows, doors, or walls.
- Workplace assaults: When one or more workers is injured or assaulted on the job.
- Overexertion: Injuries sustained by holding, carrying, lifting, pushing, pulling, or throwing.
- Traffic incidents: Injuries sustained while using company vehicles.
- Caught in/compressed by: These injuries typically occur in factories and involve heavy machinery.
What You Should Know About Worker’s Compensation Cases
Working with an East Rogers Park workers’ compensation lawyer will be greatly helpful for you, but you should also learn about different aspects of the claims process on your own. For instance, you will want to know about what the statute of limitations is, what type of compensation to fight for, and what paperwork you should keep on hand. Types of compensation can include lost wages, permanent injury, and medical bill reimbursement, or a combination of the three. If you need help understanding any of this information, contacting a work injury attorney can help.
The Process of Filing a Claim
Filing a claim for a work injury can be complex, but when you work with a work injury attorney, it can be a lot simpler.
First, you should report the incident to your employer. Do this as soon as you can. When you seek medical care, you’ll need to let the medical staff know that the injury is work related, as some employers have requirements that dictate where their employees can seek medical attention when injured.
After this, either your employer or the doctors will submit a report of information to the insurance carrier. The insurance carrier will then open a benefits claim and review it to determine if it is compensable. If the claim is compensable, the carrier will contact the injured person and the employer to determine the rate of pay of compensation. Injured parties will have the option to appeal if a claim is denied, as well.